All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages
- TCPClient - Class in com.github.perdia.tcp
Class for connecting to as well as writing and receiving data from the server socket Perdia-DB is running on
- TCPClient(String, int) - Constructor for class com.github.perdia.tcp.TCPClient
Constructor for the TCPClient class
- Template - Class in com.github.perdia.queries
Class for handling the creation, querying, deletion and saving of templates
- Template(String) - Constructor for class com.github.perdia.queries.Template
One of the constructors for the Template class.
- Template(String, HashMap<String, DataEntry>) - Constructor for class com.github.perdia.queries.Template
One of the constructors for the Template class.
- templateAmount() - Method in class com.github.perdia.queries.parsing.TemplateParser
Returns the amount of JSON objects in the JSON array
- TemplateParser - Class in com.github.perdia.queries.parsing
Class for parsing template queries in JSON format from the database to Template objects
- TemplateParser(byte[]) - Constructor for class com.github.perdia.queries.parsing.TemplateParser
Constructor in which the parsing takes place
- toCreationQuery() - Method in class com.github.perdia.queries.Template
Turns the current Template object in to a PANG query which creates the template in the database
- toPreset(String) - Method in class com.github.perdia.queries.Template
Saves a .pang File to the /presets folder which contains the current Template object as a PANG query encoded in UTF-8.
- toQuery() - Method in class com.github.perdia.queries.Instance
Returns a PANG query for querying the respective instance in the database
- toQuery() - Method in class com.github.perdia.queries.Template
Returns a PANG query for querying the respective template in the database
- toQuery(String) - Static method in class com.github.perdia.queries.Instance
Returns a PANG query for querying the given instance based on its name in the database
- toQuery(String) - Static method in class com.github.perdia.queries.Template
Returns a PANG query for querying the given template based on its name in the database
- toString() - Method in class com.github.perdia.queries.parsing.InstanceParser
Returns the JSON array as a String (with indentation)
- toString() - Method in class com.github.perdia.queries.parsing.TemplateParser
Returns the JSON array as a String (with indentation)
All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages