All Classes and Interfaces

Class for storing all existing instances in the database on the ORM-side.
Class for storing all existing templates in the database on the ORM-side.
Class for handling the encryption and decryption of queries
Abstract class all other DataEntry classes inherit from in a hierarchical order.
Enum containing all possible datatypes an entry in the database can have.
Class extending from the abstract DataEntry class which stores Doubles respectively.
Class for handling the creation, editing, querying, deletion and saving of instances
Class for parsing instance queries in JSON format from the database to Instance objects
Class extending from the abstract DataEntry class which stores Longs respectively.
Class extending from the abstract DataEntry class which stores Strings respectively.
Class for connecting to as well as writing and receiving data from the server socket Perdia-DB is running on
Class for handling the creation, querying, deletion and saving of templates
Class for parsing template queries in JSON format from the database to Template objects